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Children are important to Jesus, and Mountain View!

Children are important at Mountain View! From the Nursery all the way through the elementary years! The leaders and volunteers focus on teaching the children's about the Bible and Jesus through talks, games, and other activities. It is our goal to teach the children how to apply God’s Word to their life every day.


This is the Children’s Church portion of the Mountain View congregation. A place where kids from Pre-K  up to those entering 6th grade find things to do and classes on Sunday mornings, Sunday nights, and Wednesday nights. 


Luke 18:16-17 (CSB) 16 Jesus, however, invited them: “Let the little children come to me, and don’t stop them, because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 17 Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”


It is our desire for the children of the church to be able to rightly understand and be accountable of God’s Word. Because little people can do big thing too!

For more information contact our Children’s Pastor, Steve Blackston.


MV Kids Events

Stay up to date with all things going on in MV Kids on the Band app.
Click the logo to join!


Please make sure to fill out the waiver at least once for each child attending.

We will be heading off to Mountain Gap Summer Camp this year!  The dates for camp are June 8 - 12.  The cost for camp is $210 and we are doing fundraisers to help offset that cost.  If you would like more information on camp, please join the Band app by clicking on Snoopy and the troops to keep up to date on all Summer Camp happenings.



Kids 4 Truth

Kids 4 Truth offers a proven discipleship approach for children, Pre-K through 5th Grade, who faithfully follow Jesus Christ. Each Wednesday from 6:45 to 8:00 children at Mountain View are engaged in:

  • fun team games

  • scripture memory

  • awards

  • Biblical life application lessons


Kids 4 Truth runs from August through May and follows the Upson-Lee School System calendar.  If school is in, we are having Kids 4 Truth!

For Kids 4 Truth information, contact Children's Pastor, Steve Blackston



Nursery - Infants to Pre-K




Mountain Cabin Kids - Kindergarten to 5th grade

Want more information about MV Kids? 

Contact Children's Pastor, Steve Blackston.

Mountain View Baptist Church

2569 Jeff Davis Rd
Thomaston, GA 30286

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