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Music Ministry


About Us

The music ministry at Mountain View exists for one reason: to worship and give glory to God! We enjoy the fellowship of believers in Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit as we sing and make music to the Lord.


Our worship services each week include an adult choir, praise team and live band that lead us in worship. Our music styles reflect several genres of Christian music: Southern Gospel, contemporary, traditional, praise choruses, country Gospel, spiritual Gospel and good old red book songs!


We also perform special concerts and events during the year such as our annual Christmas Cantata, which includes adult and children's choir, our annual Easter play and in-house singings.

If you are interested in service in the music ministry, please contact Music Pastor, Keith Johnson.



Our main role is to provide technical assistance and media outreach on behalf of the church.  We exist to lift up the hands of our pastors and to enhance the services through sound and visual arts. In all we do we seek to spread the Gospel in an environment where the congregation is free to worship and hear the Word of God.


AV is also responsible for equipping other ministries in the church to accomplish their task through technology as well as training volunteers to operate technology as it applies to ministry. 


Each service & many of our events are recorded & broadcast live online for the whole world to see. This is a huge ministry and we take it very seriously. All of the different pieces of the AV Ministry works hand in hand to make each service, live stream and event the best it can be at reaching the lost for Christ.

Mountain View Baptist Church

2569 Jeff Davis Rd
Thomaston, GA 30286

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